Foods To Boost Your Immune System During COVID-19

Coronavirus or COVID-19 has taken its toll on people globally. As the death count rises, tension and stress rise and anybody could be next in line to contract this often fatal disease. Countries have implemented national lockdowns and have advised their citizens to not stray out of their homes and to practice social distancing. Organizations, schools, and Universities have implemented remote working and therefore physical activity has been majorly restricted for many people globally.

This poses the question of how to stay healthy and keep your immune system up and functioning during these difficult times?  While it’s enticing to chomp on chips and treats throughout the day when you’re working from home, nutritionists are stating this is the ideal opportunity to swear off junk food and focus on healthy dietary decisions. Even though eating healthy food won’t keep individuals from getting coronavirus, there are five nutrients that individuals can begin including into their eating regimen to support their immune systems. That doesn’t imply that there’s a magical pill or a supplement you can take that is going to shield you from getting COVID-19.

However, there are things you can do and foods to boost the immune system.

1. Vitamin C: 

Vitamin C is vital for the formation of antibodies in the body. Antibodies are important for our immune system because they are the direct proteins that fight against infection and bacteria that we encounter. You can get Vitamin C through fresh citrus-like Oranges, Grapefruits, Tangerines. Other foods that are loaded with Vitamin C are Red bell peppers, Papaya, Strawberries, Tomato juice, Garlic, and even Broccoli.

2. Vitamin A: 

Vitamin A aids the body in regulating the immune system and protects against infections. It does so by keeping the skin and tissues in the mouth, stomach, intestine and respiratory system healthy and well. This is especially important as one of the symptoms of coronavirus is respiratory issues and with Vitamin A you can greatly improve the health and the overall working of your respiratory system.

Foods that are rich in Vitamin A: Sweet potatoes, Apricots, Spinach, Carrots, Red bell peppers, and Broccoli. Milk and Cereals are also usually fortified with the Vitamin. Keep in mind that it is extremely important to wash and peel your vegetables before consuming them.


3. Vitamin D: 

The body utilizes nutrient D to fend off microscopic organisms and infections, notwithstanding maintaining strong bones by aiding calcium assimilation. Having a safe system that is solid and prepared to battle any infection anytime is significant. Even though nutrient D is normally just found in a couple of foods like Salmon and Mushrooms, it is likewise frequently found in Fortified milk, Oats, Loaves of bread and Orange juice.
Even though individuals can likewise get vitamin D from the sun, it’s essential to get it through food. Especially now more than ever as going outside for an extended period of time will probably get you in contact with the virus. 


4. Zinc: 

Zinc is another antioxidant which supports the digestion, metabolism and enables wounds to recuperate. Some research shows zinc supplements are advantageous for respiratory infections with indications like COVID-19 albeit no significant investigations have been distributed on their consequences for the novel coronavirus. Zinc inadequate sums have given some proof of lessening the length of some viral diseases when taken immediately.

The body needs zinc to make white platelets that battle diseases. Zinc is found in Lean meats, Fish, Beans, Seeds, and Nuts and is likewise added to Milk and Whole grains.


5. Vitamin E: 

Vitamin E is a vital antioxidant that fights against cell damage and helps prevent bacterial infections. Vitamin E is mostly found in plant-based foods like Sunflower seeds, Almonds, and even Peanut butter. These food products are not generally part of everyone’s diet but of your branch out and try these then you will be getting more vitamins and nutrients than you are used to getting in your daily diet. 


At a time numerous individuals feel like such a great amount of things are out of their control during these uncertain times, it is prudent to assume responsibility for your wellbeing during this quarantine at home. We can truly attempt to concentrate on what we can control, and that will be what we can eat, how our bodies feel, ways that we can feel distressed through exercise. Physical activity, getting enough rest, and discovering approaches to diminish worry through mindfulness activities can likewise support the foods to boost the immune system.

Loads of individuals have been loading up on dry products like flour and pasta, leaving void shelves in many markets. Rather, turn to fresh fruits and veggies. It is also important to incorporate prebiotics and probiotics into your diets. Another thing you can do is start meal prepping to include vitamins in your diets.